
Showing posts from January, 2022

Concluding Thoughts

Africa is abundant in freshwater, however, the challenge lies within its unequal distribution, access, and availability. I wanted to understand how gender became relevant within water and development.   Throughout this blog, I have begun to understand the true scope of this relationship. Mainly, women are most affected by the lack of access to safe and clean water; they are burdened by water collection duties, WASH facilities are not catered for their specific needs, and they suffer from gender discrimination, especially for menstruation, which for many women, becomes a source of shame or discrimination when it is nothing but natural. Awareness of these problems is a powerful tool. This blog has allowed me to research just how critical these issues are. I realise now more than ever that I have been lucky enough to live a privileged life. As a woman from the UK, I have taken for granted what I considered normal, such as having reliable sanitation facilities.   It is especially ...