Breaking the Silence: Menstrual Challenges and MHM
The Issue Period poverty is described as a lack of knowledge about menstruation, and the inability to access menstrual hygiene products (MHPs) or WASH facilities. It’s greatly detrimental to people who menstruate as menstrual taboos are firmly rooted within society, like the perception that menstrual blood is both polluted and polluting. Evidence of using menstrual products is hidden in fear and shame , by drying reusable cloths in dark, damp and unhygienic places, and staying up late or waking up early to clean them. Used sanitary products that are not properly buried, can curse people with infertility. Described by Houppert (1999) as a ‘culture of concealment’, those who are menstruating are expected to maintain their menstrual practices as invisible and silent. Because of this, one in ten students in sub-Saharan Africa repeatedly miss school during their period. The shame and fear of leaking blood whilst using alternative, and often unhygienic sanitary items, s...